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Archive And Install Failed Mac

카테고리 없음

by termmilrado1986 2020. 2. 20. 22:09


  1. Zip Archive Mac

Qt for Mac OS X has some requirements that are given in more detail in the document. The following instructions describe how to install Qt from the source package. For the binary package, simply double-click on the Qt.mpkg and follow the instructions to install Qt. You can later run the uninstall-qt.py script to uninstall the binary package. The script is located in /Developer/Tools and must be run as root. Note: Do not run the iPhone simulator while installing Qt. Step 1: Install the License File (commercial editions only) If you have the commercial edition of Qt, install your license file as $HOME/.qt-license.

For the open source version you do not need a license file. Unpack the archive if you have not done so already. For example, if you have the qt-everywhere-opensource-src-%VERSION%.tar.gz package, type the following commands at a command line prompt. Cd /tmp gunzip qt -everywhere -opensource -src -%VERSION%.tar.gz # uncompress the archive tar xvf qt -everywhere -opensource -src -%VERSION%.tar # unpack it This creates the directory /tmp/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-%VERSION% containing the files from the archive.

Step 2: Build the Qt Library To configure the Qt library for your machine type, run the./configure script in the package directory. By default, Qt is configured for installation in the /usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-%VERSION% directory, but this can be changed by using the -prefix option. Cd /tmp /qt -everywhere -opensource -src -%VERSION%. /configure Type./configure -help to get a list of all available options. Note that you will need to specify -universal if you want to build universal binaries, and also supply a path to the -sdk option if your development machine has a PowerPC CPU.

By default, Qt is built as a framework, but you can built it as a set of dynamic libraries (dylibs) by specifying the -no-framework option. Qt can also be configured to be built with debugging symbols. This process is described in detail in the document. To create the library and compile all the demos, examples, tools, and tutorials, type. Sudo make -j1 install This command requires that you have administrator access on your machine. Note: There is a potential race condition when running make install with multiple jobs.

It is best to only run one make job (-j1) for the install. If you later need to reconfigure and rebuild Qt from the same location, ensure that all traces of the previous configuration are removed by entering the build directory and typing make confclean before running configure again. Step 3: Set the Environment variables In order to use Qt, some environment variables need to be extended.

Archive and install failed mac to chrome

Setenv PATH /usr /local /Trolltech / -%VERSION% /bin:$PATH If you use a different shell, please modify your environment variables accordingly. Qt is now installed. Qt Demos and Examples If you are new to Qt, we suggest that you take a look at the demos and examples to see Qt in action.

Run the Qt Examples and Demos either by typing qtdemo on the command line or through the desktop's Start menu. You might also want to try the following links:.

We hope you will enjoy using Qt. © 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. Documentation contributions included herein are the copyrights of their respective owners. The documentation provided herein is licensed under the terms of the as published by the Free Software Foundation. Qt and respective logos are trademarks of The Qt Company Ltd. In Finland and/or other countries worldwide. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.

Installing on Mac OS X Mac OS 10.9, 10.10, and 10.11 are supported for development purposes only. When installing Mac OSX nodes, only 64 bit systems are supported. Before you install, verify the list of. The Mac OS X installation uses a zip file with a stand-alone application that must be copied to the Applications folder.

The installation location is not the same as the location of the Couchbase data files. Use Archive Utility, the default archive file handler in Mac OS X, to unpack the Couchbase Server distribution. It is more difficult to diagnose non-functioning or damaged installations after extraction by other third party archive extraction tools. Prerequisites Delete any previous installations of Couchbase Server using the command line or by dragging the icon to the Trash can.


Zip Archive Mac

Remove remaining files from previous installations using these commands: rm -rf /Library/Application Support/Couchbase rm -rf /Library/Application Support/Membase Installing with UI or CLI To install Couchbase Server on Mac OSX use the GUI or the command line interface. Locate the downloaded Couchbase Server.zip file, which typically is located in the default /Downloads folder. Double-click the downloaded.zip installation file to extract the server. This creates a single folder, the Couchbase Server.app application. Drag-and-drop Couchbase Server.app to the system /Applications folder. After the installation completes, double-click on Couchbase Server.app to start Couchbase Server. The Couchbase Server icon appears in the menu bar on the right-hand side.

If the server was not configured, the setup process can be completed from the Couchbase Web Console. Couchbase Server runs as a background application. Click on the icon in the menu bar for list of operations that can be performed. The command line interface (CLI) tools are included in the Couchbase Server application directory. Access the CLI from a terminal window and use the full path of the Couchbase Server installation. This is /Applications/Couchbase Server.app/Contents/Resources/couchbase-core/bin/ by default.

Attention: The initial sample Couchbase Server administrator user credentials are as follows:. Username: Administrator. Password: password.

Change the user name and password to your preferred values immediately after the initial login to the Couchbase Web Console. Installing as non-root, non-sudo When installing Mac OSX nodes, only 64 bit systems are supported. If you perform a non-sudo, non-root installation, you can run Couchbase Server and all its command-line tools. To install as non-root, non-sudo:. After downloading Couchbase Server, open terminal and go to the Downloads directory: cd /Downloads/. Unzip the package containing Couchbase Server: open couchbase-server- version.zip.

Move Couchbase Server application to your /Applications folder: mv couchbase-server- version/Couchbase Server.app/Applications/. Start Couchbase Server from the terminal: open /Applications/Couchbase Server.app This enables you to use Couchbase Server as a non-sudo, non-root user. To stop the Couchbase Server, click on its icon in the menu bar and select Quit Couchbase Server.